Huge to-do list

We're dealing with a lot of practical stuff at the moment in several different areas of our lives. Since I'm about to finish my big five-year project at work there is plenty of things happening in this regard and I have a deadline for the finished artifact on April 14. Another smaller project has to be done by May 1. My "big day" is then coming up in late May and we have just found and rented a place for the big dinner, which we are discussing whether to prepare ourselves or go for catering. For the same occasion we have rented a house nearby for our entire family to stay in — cheaper and more fun than hotel rooms. To further celebrate it all, T. and I are discussing taking the children on a short trip to Berlin the week after, which means that we're also dealing with bookings there as well.
In the middle of it all we are also thinking about where we should move to on a more permanent basis, and the two houses above are at the top our list. One of them is fairly newly built and beautifully decorated. Its location is perfect, but on the downside it is slightly smaller than the other. The other is thus larger, approximately ten years old, and equally beautifully decorated, but the location is not as good from our point of view. Both of them are fairly close to the sea, however, and the costs are also similar, which doesn't help much in the decision-making process. In a little more than a week's time we're off to have a look at them. It would be great to have this settled as well.