
Yesterday evening, T. and I decided to go to Copenhagen for a few hours since a) the diesel is approximately 2,50 Swedish crowns cheaper per litre in Denmark than it is in Sweden, b) a carwash is more than half-price compared to Sweden, and c) because we wanted to buy some groceries, wine and other necessities that are either available only in Denmark or much less expensive there. The fact that we thereby also were able to spend a few hours in a city we like was a good bonus. I have a feeling we might do this again.

The wine we bought, that can be seen above, was found at Bilka and Søstrene Grene. At this point we have no idea what they might taste like.

Update 1: Villa Artes Soave DOC is a nice, summery white wine with hints of green apples. The taste is not large, but it has the potential to be very pleasant on a hot summer day.

Update 2: We had some Giacondi Vino Bianco from Søstrene Grene with chicken, pasta and a tomato, cream, and basil sauce yesterday and it was delicious. A round Chardonnay-like taste.


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