All the best for the holidays and the new year

Time for some days off and we have already begun our journey travelling between our families. It will be two weeks of catching up, good food, Christmas presents, and just having a good time. I'll try to blog a few times, but for now I just want to say "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" to all of you!
The holidays have begun

Just minutes ago, I sent an article of mine to the editor. My partner is on his way here, only minutes away... What a perfect timing!
I just wanted to show you our Christmas tree with the glass globes from Herstal. Aren't they beautiful?
10 days left

It's time to wrap the Christmas presents and this year's theme is white (as you can see). I haven't been able to put name tags on them just yet (since my partner has to buy wooden ones and hasn't had the opportunity) but I'm sure it will look nice. The problem at the moment is that I have to remember what's in each and every one of them, to ensure that there will be no mix-ups on Christmas Eve. Imagine the reactions if I fail... ;)
Christmas Music?

No, perhaps not. But it's great music anyway. And it actually works very well this time of year, when there is often too much stress, too many things competing for your attention.
Later today, we'll have to look for Christmas presents in the stores (even though I've done most of my Christmas shopping online — thank God for that possibility), but this music is a good way to prepare for the ordeal.
St. Lucia

Tomorrow is the official Lucia day in most of the Nordic countries. The tragic story of the Syracusan saint who got her eyes gouged out prior to her execution has inspired one of the most beloved traditions, where children dress up as the "queen of lights." In the December darkness the light is no doubt very welcome and the children are really cute singing the traditional Lucia songs.

I love the almost tangible silence of this image (which was taken this morning). The reed plumes are moving slowly in the light breeze, the water is exceptionally still, and the rising sun tints everything in pink. Good morning!
Jumbo cups

At the Christmas dinner last weekend, we played the traditional Christmas game, pakkelege, which is Danish for present game. Every guest brings a present which is put on the table and then we roll the dice. Whenever someone gets a six, he or she is allowed to choose a present. When all of the presents have been distributed it's time for the next level of the game. A clock is set for an unknown time period, and the dice is rolled again. When someone gets a six he or she is now allowed to take a present from someone else (who might have several in front of them). It's really fun to see what presents are the most or least popular, especially since judgement is based on the look and feel of a present only.
At the end of last weekend's pakkelege, I was left with two presents: one that was really heavy and contained two beautiful grey jumbo cups which are perfect for both hot chocolate (as seen above) and tea, the second present was five beautiful glass globes, Indus Basic, from Herstal. They will be perfect for my Christmas tree, and I'll try to remember to show a picture of them later on.
Lighting the first candle

We were away over the weekend and didn't light the candle on the proper day, but it was nice to do it anyway. The countdown towards Christmas has begun.
We were actually invited to this year's first Christmas dinner. A lot of really good food with some wonderful people. It has been an amazing weekend.