Travelling around

We're on holiday thoroughly enjoying the wonderful summer weather. Last weekend was filled with confirmation preparations and the actual event — my oldest son did an amazing job and I'm so proud of him — and since then we have travelled around with T.'s parents as well as my own, exploring virtually every spot we have come to think of within a 120 kilometre radius. It has been lovely.
Yesterday, my parents drove the 700 kilometre journey back home, however, and T. and I will soon drive the 470 kilometres back to our home as well, leaving T. parents to relax and catch their breaths. There will be more journeys, however, since we're be travelling to Paris in a few week's time, but right now it's time for some work again.
No thunder and lightning

It seems to be thunderstorms everywhere in Sweden except here. We were supposed to get some here as well around 8 pm but it didn't materialize at all. No thunder, no lightning, and no rain. I guess we were lucky since it really has wreaked havoc all over the place.
It has become a few degrees cooler though and that feels really good. The entire family is rejoicing.
Heat wave

My youngest son and I decided to go for an evening swim yesterday and it was great. This type of weather drives T. mad, but I kind of like it provided I can go for a swim now and then. I love the colours and serenity of the setting sun after a really hot day.
Spoiled rotten

A few more presents from my near and dear ones this morning: a really cool memory stick shaped as a key from LaCie from T. and a box of irresistable chocolate from Lindt given to me by my oldest son. T. has said that I will receive something else from him too when his parents arrive next week, but he refuses to say what it is. Curious!!!
Anyway, it has been a great day so far (we've been out biking exploring nearby churches and the local library among other things) and we plan a nice dinner for this evening as well.

My birthday is not until tomorrow, but I have nonetheless received my first birthday present. My youngest son had decided to buy me some roses, and some roses they were. Aren't they beautiful? He's a complete darling!

We seem to jump on every possible opportunity to try out our new car, and, since the weather is as nice as it is, it's really difficult to stay inside. This photo was taken Sunday as we were (again) exploring in the vicinity.
I guess I'm kind of a scatterbrain at the moment. At present, work seems to be pretty far down on the to-do-list. Right now it is cloudy, however, so I'd better get some work done as long as it lasts.
By the castle ruin

Yesterday we took our new car on a slightly longer outing. The boys thoroughly enjoyed exploring the castle ruin, taking a dip in the ocean, and the round of mini golf we managed to squeeze in before heading back home. It was the warmest day so far this year and it was simply amazing. We really like the new car. We enjoyed some really nice food and some ice cream as well. It truly was a wonderful outing for the entire family.

Our new car has arrived

Today was the day. Amazing weather and it was time to pick up our new car. Of course we went out for a trial run and I have to admit that I really enjoy driving this car! (Unfortunately, T. loves it too, which means that we tend to fight over whose turn it is to drive.) Anyway, it's simply great and we are so look forward to going on holiday in it in a few weeks' time.