Mad about it

I notoriously bad at following television series — I simply forget to follow them from one week to another — and in most cases I tend not too be particularly impressed with them either. In view of this, T. and I have discovered that buying the DVDs is a far better way for us to view the really good ones, and Mad Men is clearly one of those. We bought the first three seasons a while ago and will definitely buy the fourth season when it is released in late March this year. I can only join the large number of voices praising it. It is intelligent, quirky, and fun, and it paints a good picture of American society in general and advertising in particular in the 1960s. More television series like this one, please!
Looking good?

In a few months time I have a really big day — work-wise — coming up, and I've already begun thinking about what to wear. I want it to be something I feel comfortable in, and yet something that looks really good.
The following seems like a pretty good combination: Carvela platform heels from Javari, a grey skirt from Esprit found at Ellos to wear if the weather is nice, a wonderful beaded silk/cotton tunic from Culture found at Sid & Sally, a pair of grey trousers from Esprit found at Ellos in case the weather is bad, and a grey suede coat from La Redoute. The necklace, earrings, and ring, which I already have, come from Edblad & Co. Now I just have to decide on what to wear in the evening...
Blueberry pie

We don't really celebrate Valentine's day, but I couldn't resist making some blueberry pies in the heartshaped pie dishes I got hold of a while ago, and we actually just ate almost a whole one of them disregarding the fact that Valentine's day is two days away. I can assure you that it tasted really good!