
It's time to plan this year's Christmas culinary treats — cookies, candy, and other yummy things. Every year we make knäck, some type of fudge, various marzipan pralines (T. especially loves his homemade whisky pralines), and perhaps marknadsgodis (which can be translated as "market place candy"). I'm not sure what we'll make this year, but I'm certain it will taste good. Images from IKEA, Inspiration, Lagerhaus, and FixaJulen.
Bright rays of light

It has been foggy for weeks until suddenly, last Friday, the sun broke through the clouds as we travelled across Denmark. It was our sons' first longer car journey after the accident and it all felt great, and I couldn't stop myself from taking photo after photo as we drove over the Storebælt bridge.
Catching up

I have been quiet on this blog for a while. The reason for this can be seen above. About two months ago my family and myself were in a car accident involving a rather large moose. Our car was completely demolished, and, even worse, so was the face of my oldest son (I was hurt as well, but not as badly). In spite of this we were immensely lucky to have driven an almost new car. The police said this almost certainly saved our lives, but unfortunately it will, because of the accident, never be driven again.
Not surprisingly, in the last two months our main focus has been my oldest son's recovery. At this point in time he and his doctors are contemplating his return to school and we're so happy that this is the case. Slowly things are getting back to normal and we're very much looking forward to the upcoming December festivities.