Sand and sun

It has been busy. At first we spent a few days with the family in a rented summer house near the beach on an island (where this photo was taken) and after that we've been very busy moving. Our days on the island were wonderful. Nice weather, good food, and good company. Unfortunately it also involved catching the flu for the majority of us, and that hampered us quite a bit when we, a few days later (by mid-March), received the keys to our new house and began to move things.
We're done now, however, and we're so thankful for the help from T.'s sister and brother-in-law. There are still a lot of boxes to unpack, but the old house has been cleaned from top to bottom (with the immensely appreciated assistance of my mother-in-law) and we will be handing in the keys on Monday morning. I really do like our new house. To me, it feels far more like a home, and I'm hoping we'll be able to stay here for a long time.