What a day!

No, this is not my dog (or any dog I know as a matter of fact), but I just thought this photo describes very well how I feel. It has been a few very full days work-wise leading up to a climax last night. Today was pretty full too, and the day ended with a five-hour session centered around doing the laundry. Phew. I hate it. T. is not as busted as I am, but pretty close. I seem to resemble the dog above... ;)
Image from Muthumbi.
The truth about Sweden according to TDS
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
The Stockholm Syndrome | ||||
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
The Stockholm Syndrome Pt. 2 | ||||
I guess it all speaks for itself, but I just have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed watching these clips.
Anemone Nemorosa

Aren't they beautiful? I took this picture exactly two weeks ago and the weather was really warm and nice. We didn't know then, but it was the beginning of things changing.
T. has not been sure about when he would stop working at his old work place, but as of Tuesday we do know. His last day is today!
It has been a dragged out process, but the ending came surprisingly quickly. We need to catch our breath now, but then we'll start planning in greater detail. He needs to get a job around here and his apartment to be sold. I'm not sure if we need to fix it up first... let's see what happens. He'll be here tomorrow. I miss him.
For other contexts

I usually don't like wearing anything when I sleep, since it feels as if I get caught in it when I move around in my sleep. Having said that, I also realise that on some occasions I do have to wear something: when we're staying over somewhere. So instead of grabbing T.'s shirt or anything equivalent, I thought I'd invest in a really nice nightie. Having browsed through what has to be hundreds of them, I finally decided to buy one from Esprit (the one to the left above), which was available at Ellos.
Images from Ellos, Esprit, and La Redoute.

It has been a few extremely busy days, which mostly has to do with work. Yesterday, however, I finally sat down to create a photo book for my father. It's his birthday soon, and I thought I'd give him something to remember last year's holiday by. It was an amazing week, which the entire family spent together with T., his parents and sister and brother-in-law. The only one missing was my brother. Let's hope he can join us another year.
Even though it took quite a bit of time to do the layout, the software was both versatile and easy to use and the price of the finished book wasn't too bad either. Let's hope he'll like it.
Images from Photohome.se.
Sunny Saturday

After having worked in the garden, we decided to go to the beach mainly to let the beautiful dog above get an opportunity to swim (which she loves). We were sitting in the sun for at least an hour, maybe more, and had brought coffee, tea, white wine, biscuits and some of our favourite chocolate. It was surprisingly warm for this time of year and we enjoyed every second. Some of us even managed to get this year's first (light) sunburn.
On holiday

On the way to Germany on Maundy Thursday T. and I decided to go to the small town where he grew up. The weather was absolutely lovely, the trees were in bloom and it was really warm and nice. We had lunch (chicken sandwich for me and a "Mexican" hamburger for T.) sitting outside in the sun for the first time this year, outside one of the restaurants on the main street. We then walked around, saw the 16th century church, the old pharmacy (filled with both Easter decorations and Christmas ones) from 1671 and many other old houses. Afterwards we drove to Germany and bought our favourite chocolate, some wine and whisky (for my brother) and then we spent the evening with T.'s parents. It was a really good day, and a really good beginning on the Easter holiday.
Happy Easter!

I've been working hard the last few days, but now it's time for holiday. Tomorrow, T. and I will be driving to Germany. The main reason is to buy our favourite chocolate from Fassbender & Rausch, but I'm sure well be buying some wine and other things as well. The next few days we'll be spending with his relatives, and I'm looking forward to nice, warm, relaxing days. They've promised really good weather too.
A new beginning

This photo was taken on the ferry, just like the previous one, but I think about it in slightly more symbolic terms. "Entré," of french origin, means entrance in several languages, and perhaps more specifically, it refers to entrance on a stage. Presently, I have indeed entered upon a new stage in my work life, where I focus on live performance and what it means in our media-saturated world today.
Saturday sunset

I love being at sea. I love watching the earth curve on the horizon. I love the sunset on the water. I love the colours, the texture of the water, and the ripples made by the ferry... And the fact that it takes me to the one I love.
Chicken noodles

That's what I had for lunch yesterday while feasting my eyes on these crocuses. It was the first really warm day of the year and I decided to bring some take-away outside and sit in the sun.
Easter break

Early tomorrow morning we'll be on the train. The children are on their way to their father and I'm on my way to T. It feels sad not to be able to spend Easter with my sons, but at the same time I know all of us will have a great week. They are looking forward to spending some time there, and I'm looking forward to doing all these everyday things with my partner that we don't have the time to do that often. The suitcases have been packed and we're ready to go. I'd better get some sleep.
Image from Sälen Konferens.
My font
Good day

Weatherwise it has been a really good day today, but this has been the case from other points of view as well. Several pieces of the puzzle have come together and I'm slowly beginning to see progress and prehaps also closure. I know what I'm going to do for the next two years or so, and what I have planned feels amazing. I have just received news about a raise, and indications that the next one is not far away. We have also decided to highlight the aspects at work that are not functioning in a more systematic way and talk to more people. We might not be able to save this place, but at least we will know that we tried.