Let's make believe

Close your eyes! Imagine a soft breeze, the sun on your face and the sound and smell of the ocean nearby.

I guess I'm desperate to see some progress weather-wise at the moment. The grey-brown branches of the trees outside my bedroom window, the dirty snow on the ground, and the cloudy, white winter sky are not as appealing anymore. Luckily I received a box filled with new clothes yesterday, quite a few necessary items for my children but also the brown summer dress/tunic and the matching bathing suit I found on sale at Bon'A Parte. (I'm sure T. laughs when he reads this. He always teases me about the brown clothes I tend to prefer.) However, I know they will be perfect when summer finally arrives.

Postat av: inez

fin blogg , kommer fortsätta titta in här :)

läs om det jag har skrivit om ätstörningar här http://inezg.blogg.se/2009/february/size-cero.html#comment och skriv om du tycker att jag har rätt eller fel

2009-02-24 @ 09:42:37
URL: http://inezg.blogg.se/
Postat av: Monaghan

Tack för din kommentar! :) Jag ska kolla på din blogg också.

2009-02-24 @ 11:05:40
URL: http://notaboutwork.blogg.se/

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