Slowly, slowly...

I've had a lot to do at work lately and I've also been travelling, which means that I've had little time or energy to decorate the new apartment. Today was probably the first day in weeks when I've felt like doing anything to it, so I took advantage of that and drilled holes in the walls to put up the newspaper rack for magazines (as seen to the right in the photo) I had planned to put up for ages. I also emptied a few more boxes and put up a few hooks in the kitchen for oven mittens and other things. It's beginning to look a bit better, but I'm definitely not ready to show the entire apartment yet. I promise I will... sooner or later. :)
Daniel Kessler's poster "Celebrating Diversity" can be found to the left of the newspaper rack, the two framed photos (there is a third further to the right) are my own that my partner framed for me, the fruit dish I bought at Ellos ages ago, and the beautiful smoke-coloured candle holders from Holmegaard were a gift from my partner's uncle the Christmas before last.