White flowers...

...happen to be my favourites (and of course my partner knows that). Not only did he buy me twenty white tulips, but he also bought me ten white roses. (Whatever did I do to deserve this?) Now I have brand new tulips in the two vases in our bedroom window, tulips on the dinner table in the living room and roses in a white vase on the kitchen table. It looked wonderful when we decked the table for Sunday dinner (which was a really good lasagne - my youngest son ate and ate and ate - and warm chocolate cupcakes with vanilla icecream for dessert). I'm enjoying every second at the moment...

Postat av: Peter

Beautiful text, love your blog. You really do deserve more readers. Very well executed.

2009-02-01 @ 22:28:58
URL: http://gradualreport.blogg.se/
Postat av: SANIBO


2009-02-01 @ 22:30:05
URL: http://ssanibo.blogg.se/
Postat av: Monaghan

Thank you very much for your comments! I'm happy if you like what you see... :)

2009-02-01 @ 22:51:39
URL: http://notaboutwork.blogg.se/

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