Balcony update

T. just came back, which made us really happy. Another thing that made me (especially) really happy was the fact that he brought so many plants for our balcony. We now have a "Delgrina" dwarf apple tree (which apparently will grow to a maximum height of two metres); herbs such as basil, oregano, sage, rosemary and thyme; a white hydrangea (thank you, sweetie!); some wild strawberries from his parents' garden and a rather unusual type of begonia from his sister (who is a gardener — thank you, too!). Grinning happily, I have spent most of the evening putting everything into pots and I promise I will take pictures of it soon. It just looks pretty messy at the moment, however, and I need to clean it up before even bringing the camera out there. Let's hope all the new plants will thrive!


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