A short break

We spent last weekend with T.'s parents, sister and brother-in-law and it was amazing. On Sunday we drove to a castle (renovated and today used as a conference centre) in the vicinity and walked around in the beautiful park. Even though it's almost November it was actually very warm and the trees were so beautiful in all shades from green to yellow to red. We even picked chestnuts that we roasted when we returned home...
By the bed

T. is away taking care of practical stuff and, although I will be working a lot this upcoming week, I will still miss him. In an attempt to think about other things than him being away, I have decided to start reading Margaret Atwood's The Year of the Flood. I have read quite a few of her novels (the latest one was Oryx and Crake) and I'm really looking forward to seeing a world through her sharp eyes and intellect again. A luxurious hardcopy version of her latest novel is now waiting for my by my bed. I can't wait...
Keeping warm in a different way

I'm sitting on the couch with a blanket over me browsing books like Lise Septimus Krogh's beautiful Hjem til Jul and Dorrit Elmquist and Birgitta Wolfgang Drejer's inspiring Nordliv, and I also decided to check out some new books at Adlibris. Monika Ahlgren's Monikas Jul and Sanna Töringe's Vintermat both look really good.
Well, well... it's time to get up from the couch, though, and do something useful. It's time for some laundry.
To stay warm

Since winter is approaching, I have bought a bunch of new, warm clothes for us all. I thought I'd show just a few that I've bought, or am thinking of buying, for myself. It's interesting to see that I have subconsciously incorporated this autumn's fashion colour number one, purple, while at the same time not letting go of my old favourites, brown and black. From the left: A long, chocolate brown knitted sweater from H&M, a classical, woolen jacket from La Redoute, a necklace from Pilgrim's Urban Culture collection, an Eclipse Pashmina scarf from My Pashmina and a purple dress from Ellos.
I haven't died

Sorry about not blogging here for a while, but it seems as if my time outside work simply has evaporated. I have been travelling a lot but I have also usually been working around the clock, which means that I have had very little time to blog. It's not over yet, either, so I expect to get back to this blog only sporadically in the weeks to come as well. Hopefully it will get a little bit better as we move into November and December.
I'm enjoying the autumn, however, and while travelling it has been great to see the different types of autumn that can be found in different geographical areas. The photo shows what it looks like here where I live, but in some areas the autumn is more golden and in other darker. I tend to like all types. I have taken up some of my usual autumn habits again: drinking hot tea (usually Kusmi tea), lighting candles, and eating comfort food (which T. also loves).