I haven't died
Sorry about not blogging here for a while, but it seems as if my time outside work simply has evaporated. I have been travelling a lot but I have also usually been working around the clock, which means that I have had very little time to blog. It's not over yet, either, so I expect to get back to this blog only sporadically in the weeks to come as well. Hopefully it will get a little bit better as we move into November and December.
I'm enjoying the autumn, however, and while travelling it has been great to see the different types of autumn that can be found in different geographical areas. The photo shows what it looks like here where I live, but in some areas the autumn is more golden and in other darker. I tend to like all types. I have taken up some of my usual autumn habits again: drinking hot tea (usually Kusmi tea), lighting candles, and eating comfort food (which T. also loves).