Both sunshine and clouds

It has been a beautiful day here with only occasional clouds, although it has been snowing in other parts of the country. It has been a bit more cloudy in other regards, however. My dad went into hospital with chest pains a few days ago and today a coronarangiography was performed on him in which they found four stenoses in the coronary arteries, of which the doctors have removed two today.

Apparently it was really bad, almost to the point when they had to send him to a larger hospital for specialist care, since it was so difficult to remove them. It's a bit weird too, because my father has had a sore shoulder for a while now and the doctors haven't been able to find the reason for it, but during the procedure today the pain in his shoulder became acute and it seems as if it is indeed the stenoses that have caused the pain. Yet another coronarangiography will be performed on him at some point next week when the doctors intend to remove the last two stenoses, but after that I really hope he will be able to return home in a far better condition.

Postat av: Annica

Usch då! Hoppas verkligen att han mår bra snart igen. Tänker på dig.

kram kram

2010-04-22 @ 22:06:12
Postat av: Monaghan

Tack, Annica! Ja, det hoppas verkligen jag med! Det känns lite surrealistiskt det hela eftersom han i söndags var ute och cyklade några kilometer. Ta hand om er! Kram!

2010-04-22 @ 22:16:50

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