Chocolate and cinnamon
Following a recipe given to me by T.'s sister I baked a wonderful cake yesterday. The children as well as T. and myself have all been eating happily. T. was especially happy when he found out that the cake worked really well together with the raspberry sorbet he had made. Thank you so much for the recipe, S.!
Ingredients: 125 g melted butter, 400 g sugar, 400 g flour, 4 teaspoons cinnamon, 2 teaspoons sodium bicarbonate, 1/2 litre milk. Whisk the melted butter and sugar and add milk. Then add the rest of the ingredients. Pour the batter into a pan (size 23x33 cm) and bake in the oven (200°C) for about 30 min. Let it cool slightly. Then whisk 50 g of melted butter, 250 g powdered sugar, 2 teaspoons vanilla powder, 1 tablespoon cacao powder together with 4 tablespoons of hot coffee. Pour it on top of the cake and let it set. Done!
Postat av: Annica
...dela gärna med dig av receptet! :-)
Här har vi det bra. Magen växer och det känns kan jag lova! Hoppas att ni har det bra i vårsolen.
kram kram
Postat av: Monaghan
Glad att höra att ni har det bra! :) Solen skiner inte så mycket här just nu, men det är ganska varmt och knopparna börjar spricka på äppelträdet. Härligt!
Receptet är härmed postat. Kram, kram!
Postat av: Annica