And now it's time to say...
Winter sun

It has been really cold today, 31,5°C/88,7°F, and we have not exactly chosen to spend time outside. Apart from a few somewhat involuntary journeys to go shopping, we have remained inside and watched hungry birds feed and a brilliant sun set.
Lady Million

A new favourite! I received a "pakkeleg" gift at the Christmas dinner in late November, a Lady Million Body Lotion. Not sure whether I liked it or not, I put it on hold for a day or two and then I tried it on and realised I liked the scent very much. It works tremendously well on my skin and the boys in my family all seem to like it just as much as I do. My youngest son even crowned it "my best perfume" and that is high praise. I decided to buy the Eau de Parfum as well, and wearing it almost feels like being wrapped in silk or velvet.
Green, silver, and white

We bought our Christmas tree early this year in order to be able to enjoy it for a while before leaving to visit our families over Christmas. It's beautiful, dense and green, and it feels great to be able to use the Georg Jensen candle holders I have received as Christmas present in previous years, as well as the beautiful ornaments from for instance Royal Copenhagen, Georg Jensen, Rosendahl, and Pia Wallén.
In the family we have had some discussions about the colour scheme, however, and we don't seem to agree. My own favourite tree is crisp, all in white and silver, whereas T. and my sons would prefer a warmer and more colourful version. I've promised that they might be allowed to include some red next year, but in that case it had better look good... :)
Christmas Candy

I thought I'd show you some of the treats we made on our weekend candy spree. The rather strange-looking chocolate thingies are candied orange peel with dark chocolate, the biscotti are made with saffron and white chocolate, and the traditional "knäck" is just the ordinary one (equal amounts of cream, sirup, and sugar). Some more will be made now when we have bought the right type of marzipan, but that's probably a project for next weekend.
Otherwise I'm working away in an extremely concentrated manner in the wish to meet my "before Christmas" deadline. We have also managed to buy quite a few of the Christmas presents and I'm really looking forward to seeing people's faces as they open their presents. I hope they will all like it.
Candle light breakfast... what we had this morning. Some hot chocolate, warm bread, some really good jam and cheese, and it's snowing outside.
After breakfast, we went to the supermarket to look for a Santa suit for my oldest son, and to buy some groceries.
Otherwise the plans for today include making some Christmas candy. We have bought cream, sirup, marzipan, nougat, saffron, hazel nuts and a lot of other things, and are all set to get creative. Happy weekend, everyone!

I had some money left on my work account, which had to be used by the end of the year, so I decided to let them order a new iPad for me (and a few more books). At the end of next week it will be here and I'm so looking forward to it.
Below zero

It's rather chilly even inside our apartment, and we're wrapped in basically all the blankets we own. Being outdoors does not seem that tempting, and we haven't built any real snowmen yet this year, but I thought it was kind of cool to find this snow people font.