Valentine's day

I have to admit that I'm not exactly a fan of Valentine's day, at least not if that involves buying presents or arranging dinners at "romantic" restaurants. I do love it when T. and I eat at nice restaurants — and yes, I do like presents ;) — and to go off on a weekend getaway, but what I like the most is probably when we do this because we feel like it there and then. I really want for it to be spontaneous... not something we do just because it's February 14.

In Sweden Valentine's day is called "all hearts' day" and this has sparked an alternative way of viewing this day. The focus is on heart disease research and in time for "all hearts' day" Hjärt-lungfonden (the heart and lung foundation) usually launches one of their big campaigns to encourage people to give whatever they can to help fund research in this area. Personally, I find this far more worthy and I think I will support them this year. For this blog post I'll let Pamela Love's human heart necklaces symbolize it all.


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