Buttering up

Sorry for the bad joke, but lately we have begun to use more and more real butter, because a) it tastes good and b) not much of it is needed on a sandwich really. A packet of butter tends to last far longer than a packet of the usual margerine-based kind, at least for us. Sadly the butter is often wrapped in paper which can get quite messy, and I've been on the lookout for a plain, but nice, butter box, which we can use instead. I really liked the butter box from Mia Blanche Keramik, but it lacks a lid, and when I found this one from Eva Trio I decided this was the one for us. Ordered from Royal Design.
T.'s apartment has been sold

Yay!!! A couple has decided to buy the apartment and it feels great. Nothing has been signed yet, and we're of course a bit cautious, but the fact that someone has said that they intend to buy it is a huge step forward. They are supposed to move in on May 1st.
Shopping AND helping

The Danish jewellery company, Pilgrim, has designed a new necklace for longtime partner Médecins Sans Frontières and I think it looks really good. The fact that ten Euros are donated to the organization for every necklace sold is a bonus.
Ellos also has a collection, Go red benefitting women heart disease research through the non-profit organization, Hjärt-lungfonden, the heart-lung foundation. The campaign continues until the end of March.
Living room view

This is one of the last photos I took from T.'s apartment before we cleaned everything out a few weeks ago. The view of the harbour and the sea from the living room is truly beautiful and I know we both miss it, but is time to move on now. It is time to sell it.
Today we learned that a couple had been to look at the apartment yesterday and today they had phoned the real estate agent because they wanted to have another look, which sounds encouraging of course, but we don't know... We're a bit afraid to get our hopes up already. We hope they like the view as much as we do, though.

For a while I have been on the lookout for a nice and simple silver necklace on which I would want to have T.'s and my sons' names ingraved, and I think I've found the right one at M925, where I also found the images that I have tweaked. I really like Magdalena Johne's work.
UPDATE: Yesterday I received the necklace and it is absolutely perfect. A classic.

Right now we're watching Vasaloppet indoors, but yesterday T. and I enjoyed the sun outdoors together with so many more people. The paragliders high above the icy and snowy bay gathered an entire crowd.

Spring wardrobe

It's a bit funny... At first I may not visually take notice of the changing seasons but somehow my body feels it. It makes me want to wear different clothes, colours, and scents. Right now I'm in "jeans mode."
I really like these two pairs of jeans from Esprit Online, where the light indigo tunic blouse, the black belt, and the bracelet also can be found. The blue blouse in the middle was found at Sisters, the thin blouse in white and blue at Ellos, the brooch comes from Beautiful Me, the hair clip from Compliment.se, and the beautiful Vivianna watch from Georg Jensen.
Towards an empty apartment

A few more olympic medals reached Sweden by the end of last week but we were too busy cleaning out T.'s apartment to really notice it. This is what the apartment looked like on Thursday but already on Friday evening it was completely empty and looked really nice and clean. It's out for sale on the Internet by now and it seems to have attracted som interest as well. Let's hope there will be tangible result soon.
I have spent most of this week on my couch working, trying to catch up on things I neglected the previous week. It feels good though. The sun is shining and spring is in the air.