Using my parents' neighbour's old recipe for making crisp bread, we decided to put the newly bought baking stone to the test. It worked perfectly. The bread was actually as good as when it has been baked in a real wood heated stone oven and it is actually much easier to make when you don't have to pre-heat such an oven for at least 24 hours before using it. My mother was thrilled at the result because this means that she finally will be able to make this type of bread again.
It's usually pretty hard work since they, my mother and her neighbour, bake almost uninterruptedly for two days, and it's nowadays a bit of a mouthful for her. The dough is, in their case, made of five litres of milk, 6 packets of yeast and a mix of rye, wheat, and graham flour. We made a smaller version of it where we basically divided the original amount by twelve, and then tweaked it slightly. When my father returned from the hospital earlier today, after yet another successful coronarangiography, he was pleasantly surprised to be able to taste the wonderful crisp bread he hasn't had for years.