
My oldest son was in the kitchen and the vacuum cleaner got in his way. Slightly annoyed he asked:"Why is the vacuum cleaner in the middle of the floor?" Making a point that he might very well help out a bit more, I responded: "It's there to make it convenient for you to vacuum the kitchen." His quick response: "Oh yeah... I'll do it when tigers fly over Canada." I laughed and said "yeah, yeah..."

Then I decided to play a trick on him. I looked up a photo of the Toronto skyline, searched for a leaping tiger, and put it all together in Photoshop, while my youngest son was giggling beside me. When I was done, I said to my oldest son that he'd better do the vacuuming now since tigers indeed are flying over Toronto.

His face as he looked at the photo made it all worth it. But he hasn't been vacuuming... yet.


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