Mixing and matching

It's not really autumn yet (thank God!), but I'm slowly beginning to move towards the brown colour scale. My trusted brown blazer, bought at Esprit in New York in 2007, has decided to give up and I had to look for a replacement. When I saw this one at Debenhams at a very reasonable price I decided it was the one and ordered it. Let's hope it fits...

My collage above is otherwise a mix of old and new. The pair of blue jeans and the white blouse I already have, but they can both be found at H&M. The scarf is rather similar to one bought in Italy given to me by my in-laws. The boots come from Vagabond, the bracelet from Snö of Sweden can be found at Jemp Guld, the earrings and the necklace (also from Snö) were found at Sima Fashion. These resemble the amber jewellery I already own and really like. Last, but not least, there are a pair of glasses, Bench from Pentax found at SpecSavers. I really do need a new pair of glasses, since the ones I wear now, from Peak Performance, are almost six years old. My eyesight has clearly changed and the glasses themselves are also visibly worn. I guess I'll have to put it on my to-do-list...


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