Lucky me!

I was so happy to receive so many wonderful presents last night: A white iPod touch (which actually was an early Christmas present in November) and the MacFamilyTree software from T., a kimono style robe and products from Avène from T.'s sister and her husband, the works of Swedish Nobel laureate Tomas Tranströmer, a book full of Christmas inspiration from Ernst Kirchsteiger and two sets of bed linen from my mother and father-in-law, as well as Avène Skin Recovery Cream and Monika Ahlberg's very extensive Christmas cookbook from T.'s grandmother.

Yesterday's Christmas dinner with turkey, red cabbage, white and brown potatoes, a wonderfully rich sauce, Amarone wine, and a rice and whipped cream dessert with cherries was lovely and I don't think anyone were even close to go to bed on an empty stomach.

While the rest have been preparing today's Christmas lunch (for twelve people) T. and I decided to take T.'s sisters German shepard out for a long walk which made her very tired and she is now snoring lightly at my feet. It's a lazy day and I love it.


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