Planning to move

It's early days still, but, since I have alluded to it in a few blog posts now, I'd better explain a bit: we are planning to move away from the city where we now live. I will be done here in the upcoming Spring, as will my oldest son, and, as far as T. is concerned, he has never really found a platform here. My youngest son is probably the one who might have the most trouble leaving, but we hope we will be able to find a good solution for him as well in our new place of residence.
On our wishlist is a house, which we assume we will rent to begin with. This will hopefully provide us with a bit more space, a garden, and a change of scenery. We're thinking primarily of a house somewhere in the southern Swedish region of Skåne, perhaps close to the place depicted in the photo above, which we drove through last summer. Let's see what we will be able to find.
Our immediate plan is to check out a house that is for rent. This will happen in two weeks from now. If it suits us we can have this house as of April 1st while still keeping our apartment for another few months. Nevertheless, it all depends on T. getting a job in the region he can be happy with. This is something that is on the list for me as well of course. Additionally we have to find good schools for the children. All of this will hopefully be taken care of in the upcoming months. If everything turns out the way we want it to we will be able to move by the end of June, but there is no fixed deadline.