Weekend tranquility

It's Saturday morning. The sun is shining from a clear blue sky. The building is quiet, although that wasn't the case last night. Several of the residents in this house saw reason to call in "störningsjouren" (people in charge of talking to someone who disturbs the peace) due to a couple fighting and arguing rather violently in what seemed to be the apartment beneath us. I hope nobody got hurt.

The last week has been a difficult one. The more mundane aspects involve a persistent cold and a sore back, but our main focus has been on the events unfolding in Japan and in Libya. None of these situations have been resolved, in fact the situation in Libya is escalating as I write this. Nevertheless, it has become clear that the situation at Fukushima Daiishi is indeed a serious one affecting people, animals, and crops in its vicinity. I'm really sad to see these developments and think about the repercussions this will have in the years to come.

I'm enjoying the peace and quiet of this morning, however. T. and I are watching the birds feed, reading the news, and watching a documentary on television, and the boys are busy, but content, doing their thing in their rooms. Some practical stuff needs to be adressed today, and since I don't have a temperature anymore it might even feel really good to be able to spend some time outside in the sunshine. A good weekend to you all!


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