Balcony and garden
Soon we'll have a garden! Our small balcony has been wonderful, but it doesn't beat a real, large garden and we are certainly looking forward to getting our hands dirty. Gabriella Dahlman's Gabriellas trädgård provides plenty of inspiration.
Since the house we're moving into is a rented property this means that we will not be able to put down roots properly, but some potted trees and plants will hopefully thrive nonetheless and give us the feeling of home we crave. The olive tree has just received a new pot, one of our older pots is crying out for a new white hydrangea, and various herbs have already either begun to grow on the balcony or in the kitchen window. We were lucky enough to get an entire tray of herbs at T.'s sisters work as well and these will be replanted outside soon — on the balcony, since we don't have access to the garden yet. But we'll be happy to bring it all with us when we move.