More yoga equipment

This is what I made today: a bag for my yoga mats. I had a piece of cotton fabric and decided to make this quite large mat bag, which will work well especially for my travel mat and the cotton rug combined. These two are the yoga mats I most likely will be bringing with me when I'm travelling.
I've added a few more asanas, for instance "half shoulder stand" and the "fish pose," to my regular morning yoga practice and the level of difficulty is increasing, but it's really good fun. In the last six week I have only missed out twice (once because we had to drive early and the second time because we had laundry day and a number of other urgent practical things to attend to) and I feel rather proud of myself. I'm amazed by how much stronger my body feels and the various movements I'm suddenly able to do. I really do like this daily routine, and it certainly doesn't feel like a chore.