Friday it is and this feels amazing. We happily handed in the keys to our old house today and were promised to get our deposit back as soon as possible. Let's hope the money will indeed materialise.

We have been extremely tired the last few weeks, partly because of moving, but also because of a very persistent flu, and more travelling than I would have wanted. We were extremely fortunate to have both T.'s sister and brother-in-law and his parents here to help us move. A huge thank you to all of you!

Our evenings, without the usual television channels and with all the above in mind, have been rather short, but last night we decided to start watching House of Cards on Netflix. We had heard a lot of good things about this 2013 series, and judging from the first four episodes we definitely agree. It's interesting, witty, fun in a rather weird way, and clearly worth watching. We just might watch a few more episodes this upcoming weekend.


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