
A colleague of mine celebrated her birthday last Thursday and I decided to give her David Design's Readers' Nest as a birthday present. I received one myself from my former colleagues when I had defended my PhD thesis and I've really enjoyed having it in my "reading corner." I thought this might be a good present this time as well and although it took some planning it seemed to be a hit. Apart from that, we're thinking about several presents at the moment. My mother-in-law's birthday is on Tuesday (and I'll definitely not disclose what she will receive), T.'s grandmother has not yet been celebrated either, and another relative will turn thirty in a few weeks' time. We'll see if we can come up with something nice for all of them.

An assortment of white things have caught my attention: Somewhat pricey, but fun, is Woofy which can help us hide the power cords for various appliances. The Spaghetti Measure might be both useful and nice looking, the soap dispenser from Lagerhaus we already have two of, but we seem to need one more, the Leaflower ring is beautiful as well as innovative, and the Flora skulptura 1 is yet another favourite in white from Paradisverkstan.


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