Spinning heads

We went to look at the houses yesterday and I can't say that we were any closer to making a decision afterwards than we were before. The older one of the houses is really nice and it has all the space we want, but it is clearly not in the location where I would want us to live. The local school has a pretty bad reputation and we could see that the area is not that nice either. The newer house, on the other hand, is in a location that is really good with really good schools in the vicinity, but the house itself is unfinished, which really puts T. off the idea. The children like the older house far better than they like the new one, so that doesn't help much either. I guess it's simply chaos in my head right now. We need to make a decision soon, however, and I'm not sure what options we might otherwise have. Phew.
UPDATE: We decided not to take any of them. Keeping our fingers crossed for other options.