Very good news

At this wonderfully beautiful time of year when everything is in bloom we have received some very good news. For the last week and a half our oldest son has been evaluated by the children's rehab unit at one of the largest hospitals in Sweden to discern whether he has any brain damage as a result of the car accident in September last year.
Today we received their evaluation and the sum of it all was that he does not have any brain damages at all, which is amazing considering the massive injuries he suffered back then. They have checked his ability concentrate, to speak, to form sentences, to do maths, and to perform household tasks. They have tested his vocabulary, his fine and gross motor skills, his social abilities, his physique, his mood for instance when winning or losing, and a number of other things. In summary, they have assessed his strengths and his weaknesses, and it has all turned out to be good.
Spending time at the unit has been interesting from other viewpoints as well, since the stories of the other children there have been both moving and educational. The everyday lives of children with acquired brain injuries are very diverse and they are all heroes in my eyes.