Spring morning
No, this is not a photo taken now — it was taken on a Danish island in July 2008 and is one of my favourite photos — but it does reflect the mood I'm in right now. It's a wonderful morning today. All the trees are green. The sun is shining and it was quite warm outside already at 7 am.
We're busy doing the laundry this morning, which gives me only short periods to focus on other things, but that's fine on a day like today. Some yoga soon, then a late breakfast, and, when we're done with the laundry, I will focus on work again.
Blue water, blue skies, and a grey-blue bridge. I love the silhouette of the Öresund bridge and I look forward to being able to see it on a more regular basis — and taking photos of it more often.
Tea cup flowers
The weather has been slightly cooler for a few days, but the weather service promises some warmer weather towards the weekend and I have to admit that I look forward to it. The above photo was taken a few days ago and the magnolia blossoms are indeed something I look forward to as well. Almost before anything else springs to life, the magnolias are there. No leaves. Just the flowers large as tea cups. Fascinating.
Weather conditions
The snow that was glittering so beautifully is now melting which has lead to major floods — well, not in the Australian manner but still — and the bleak sun today gives promises of Spring. I'm working from home today and the sofa corner is a pretty nice place to be.
Planning to move
It's early days still, but, since I have alluded to it in a few blog posts now, I'd better explain a bit: we are planning to move away from the city where we now live. I will be done here in the upcoming Spring, as will my oldest son, and, as far as T. is concerned, he has never really found a platform here. My youngest son is probably the one who might have the most trouble leaving, but we hope we will be able to find a good solution for him as well in our new place of residence.
On our wishlist is a house, which we assume we will rent to begin with. This will hopefully provide us with a bit more space, a garden, and a change of scenery. We're thinking primarily of a house somewhere in the southern Swedish region of Skåne, perhaps close to the place depicted in the photo above, which we drove through last summer. Let's see what we will be able to find.
Our immediate plan is to check out a house that is for rent. This will happen in two weeks from now. If it suits us we can have this house as of April 1st while still keeping our apartment for another few months. Nevertheless, it all depends on T. getting a job in the region he can be happy with. This is something that is on the list for me as well of course. Additionally we have to find good schools for the children. All of this will hopefully be taken care of in the upcoming months. If everything turns out the way we want it to we will be able to move by the end of June, but there is no fixed deadline.
Winter sun
It has been really cold today, 31,5°C/88,7°F, and we have not exactly chosen to spend time outside. Apart from a few somewhat involuntary journeys to go shopping, we have remained inside and watched hungry birds feed and a brilliant sun set.
Roaring and whispering
During our week on the island the sea kept changing. At some points the tide was extremely high, making it almost impossible to drive on the beach, at other points the waves were so far out that we could hardly see them. Sometimes the wind was strong and the waves were roaring, sometimes the sea was calm and swept in fog. We enjoyed watching all these changes.
I would love to live by the sea some day...
Wonderful vacation
Our holiday has been great and we interpreted the sunset when we arrived to the island as a very warm welcome. We spent many hours on the beach, looking for pieces of amber, feeling the wind and the changing weather, and watching the waves and the tides. And yes, I worked as well, but it was great just to relax too.
Cold and sunny
I've been very busy lately due to a pretty heavy workload. It will most likely continue like this until Christmas, but I hope to be able to have a day or two now and then to relax as well. I had a deadline today, but now I'm taking a break, giving myself the time to see the autumn colours and do something else. It feels pretty okay.
Another view
Work again. I'm sorry. The view from my "real" office is not that bad either. The sea and the islands can be seen behind the trees.
It's a wonderful day today. The sun has risen, the sky is blue, and the temperature is 7 degrees Celsius. We're doing the laundry, but otherwise we have very little planned today.
I wish you a wonderful weekend!
Early birds...
...catches the worm. They say. Anyway, it has indeed been a wonderful morning. We had a late breakfast and now T. is on his way to a highschool reunion dinner. My oldest son is away too, which means that our family is spread out over three countries at the moment. My youngest son, who had a bit of an accident yesterday as he accidentally clashed heads with another boy, and I are looking forward to a nice and slow weekend. Both T. and my oldest son will be back tomorrow.
I think I'm going to spend a few hours reading and then we'll see. Tomorrow I have decided to bring my youngest son with me to vote in the elections.
An exception
I've always said that this blog will be about everything in my life except my work. I decided to make an exception, since I wanted you to see what it looks like in the office I borrowed today. I will probably use it approximately one day a week in the upcoming months, and I have to say that I like it far more than I like my ordinary office. This feels a lot more like "home." The view is not that bad either.
Pretty in pink
We're pretty far north in Sweden right now and spring has not arrived for real yet. It was actually snowing amidst the rain earlier today, but luckily nothing stayed on the ground and right now the sun is shining again. It's cold though.
A little more than a week ago it was far nicer though. We were in the south of Denmark enjoying what can be described as summer temperatures. I really miss that now. The photo of the wonderful cherry blossoms above was taken back then.
When I look through my window I can see only grey skies. It's very windy and rather cold. It makes me dream about holidays passed and holidays to come. But really, why not both?
This photo was taken when we were in Paris in July 2007 and I have to confess that I wouldn't mind going back. At all. (I'd better try to persuade T. that this indeed is an extraordinary idea.)
Spring is on its way
These photos is a collage of several photos I have taken in the last week or so. The budding tree to the right is our own apple tree which seems to like its place on our balcony. Most of the other images were taken in the garden of T.'s mother and father and I have to say that being able to take photos of new flowers makes me very happy. Spring... at last!
Real winter
It has been, and it still is, snowing a lot in the rest of Sweden — and Denmark as well — but we have hardly had any snow at all where I live. It feels a bit weird to hear all the reports about accidents as I look out on the not even ten centimetres of snow we have here, but I do hope there won't be any big accidents in the rest of the country. My oldest son will be on his way home from a skiing trip tomorrow and I sincerely hope the weather will be okay by then.
Work-wise I have reached another milestone and it feels so good. I know in what direction I'm heading and it's in a direction I enjoy walking. Suddenly it feels easier to breathe. The air is clear.
It's grey today, but yesterday's sunrise definitely wasn't. It brought a day that was very cold initially, but turned more grey as the morning progressed. In the evening it was only just below freezing and it was snowing.
Yesterday was also a pretty full day for other reasons. Besides doing a massive heap of laundry, my youngest son, who misses his brother very much at the moment, wanted me to make Stroganoff — which he loves — and drive him to his tennis practice. We also managed to spend some time at the local hospital (which usually isn't something you'd wish, but it was okay).
Anyway, this weekend I had really wished for more photo opportunities than I got... but at least I managed to catch the glowing sunrise.
Isn't it beautiful?
Frida Berglund at Trendenser recently blogged about some amazing photos taken by photographer Denise Grünstein for the Mateus catalogue. These photos not only provide tons of ideas for decking the table, even if this one seems a bit too cold, it also gives me inspiration and ideas for how to take better photos. They are simply awe-inspiring.
More of Denise Grünstein's work can be found at Cameralink.
In the right direction
I'm in "I-wish-it-would-be-Spring-now-mood" at the moment and I'm really looking forward to some warmth. It's not that bad here, there are definitely worse places right now, but there is something about the dirty snow and the grey sky that gets to me.
T. is away again, this time hopefully finishing things in his old apartment. He is looking into renting a lorry and trying to find some storage space for the larger pieces of furniture still left there. Later on, when things have settled down, we will try to find us a home where we'll have enough space for all our stuff, but at the moment we'll just have to try to find temporary solutions. I'm really looking forward to both T. and the light coming back.
Cold and sunny
We have been driving a lot this past few weeks and sometimes the road is almost too beautiful. We drove over the mountains as the sun was setting and the colours were almost unbelievable. They say it's going to be even colder in the next few days and it is indeed a cold winter this year, but I have to admit that I enjoy the pastels of this type of weather. It makes the world seem shiny and new, which in itself is a fitting context for the new year.