Office supplies

Now I've decided that it's time to put all colourful ring binders, plastic sleeves, and tape dispenser that have been left in my office back into storage and bring in some of the objects that at the moment reside on the shelves at home. The display above shows some of the things I like, or already own, and intend to bring to work.
A picture frame from IKEA, a SIGEL stapler, pale grey ring binders, my favourite black, very fine pens, a red whiteboard pen, a stack of post-it notes, a bird which functions as a holder for paper clips, and last, but definitely not least, a sixty centimetres tall wooden zebra found at eBay.

The above is a quote by Winston Churchill and in addition to this I will also quote Marcel Proust ("The voyage to discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes"), Marie Curie ("Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood"), and Galileo Galilei ("We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves"). All of the quotations are in some way related to teaching and learning, which I found very appropriate. The colours of the backgrounds are orange (as in the example above), red, yellow, and bluish purple.
Dala horse

I could have chosen the "correct" one of course, the wooden one that has been handcarved and painted at Grannas or Nils Olsson in Nusnäs, but I opted for a glass one instead, thus mixing my geographical origin with the "glass kingdom" in Småland, which we visited many times when we lived in the vicinity. The Dala horse was made at Lindshammar glasbruk.
I managed to get the one in the photo above at Tradera this morning at a very reasonable price.
Environmental issues

I rarely use make-up, but, when I do, I've noticed that BareMinerals seems to work well on my skin. Other skincare products I use on a daily basis and paraben-free Avène has been my favourite brand for years, both because of its usefulness for my rosacea-prone skin and because of its very few ingredients. In addition, I have swapped my old aluminium salt-filled deodorant with Biotherm's Deo Pure Natural.
I'm aware that our everyday lives are filled with chemicals and materials that are not particularly beneficial for us and it's not possible to get rid of everything, but I just feel we have to begin somewhere and I have chosen to start with the things that come in direct contact with my skin.
Long spoons