A glimpse of our home

This is the corner where I usually read, be it for work or leisure. I really like the calm and tranquility of my spot. This is also where I practice yoga in the mornings. If I turn around and look in the other direction I can see our dining table, and this view can be seen below.

Returning to yoga

As I have discussed previously here, here, here, and here, I practiced yoga a lot last year, but in the autumn I unfortunately let it slide. After the car accident in September there was very little thought of anything but healing and after that we've been busy moving and doing all sorts of things.
By now it looks pretty nice in our home — which is important to me — and I have my own spot where I can do yoga again and I'm trying to return to my old routine. Yesterday was the first time and it could certainly be felt as muscle fever as I woke up this morning. It wasn't bad, however, and I successfully completed my second yoga practice earlier. It feels really good to be doing yoga again.
Photo borrowed from Improve me.
Quick fingers

Both T. and I really like wordgames and both of us often play games such as Wordfeud, Enigma, and Muddled on our iPod/iPhone/iPad. The latest addition is Rumble, which we added approximately two months ago and this is perhaps the most fun app of them all. It certainly requires some quick thinking and perhaps even quicker fingers. It is currently available in ten languages.
Ingegerd Råman

At the Höganäs Book Outlet I made a real find — or, to be honest, it was actually T. who made it. He found Ingegerd Råman's book, which turned out to be an amazing account of her philosophy as a potter and "form giver", for only 39 SEK. It's filled with wonderful photos of her work as a potter (which is primarily what she sees herself as) and a glass designer (or "form giver," which is the term she prefers). I have always found her minimalist work very interesting and, as I learned about the philosophy and the thoughts that guide her work, I found it even more intriguing. Ingegerd Råman's sense of balance, the serenity radiated by the objects she has designed, and the integrity she displays as a designer is truly admirable. I very much look forward to seeing more of her work in the future.
Her book, co-written with Lena From, can be found at Adlibris as well. The image of the black vase was found at Sweden.se, the "Lilla servisen" was found at Scandinavian Objects, and the Pond bowl "Trassel" was found at Royal Design.
Christmas in July?

Glöggmuggar, or small cups for Swedish mulled wine, glögg, are perhaps not what might seem appropriate in the middle of summer, but please hear me out. When T. and I had just met we explored new things about each other's cultures and traditions and just before Christmas one year I happened to introduce glögg to my in-laws and they really liked it. I also bought small cups for them and it happened to be these from Höganäs Keramik. This was a real hit and soon my sister-in-law also wanted a few, and later on relatives in the extended family also wished to have them. At that point they were no longer available in the stores and we were sad to have to tell them that this was the case.
Today, however, T. and I were driving around in the north-western part of Skåne and we decided to check out the outlet in Höganäs. We were very surprised, but also happy, when we suddenly discovered a large stash of the discontinued glögg cups and after phoning everyone we found ourselves buying 20 of them. I really like the simplicity of these and they fit very well in my hands. Happy!
A new friend

I have worked on Macintoshes since the early 1990s and I have always loved both their looks and the OS. In the burglary in late April, my previous MacBook Pro was stolen. I had to find a replacement and here it is: a 13" MacBook Pro, with an Intel Core i7 Dual Core 2.7GHz processor, 8GB of RAM, and a 500GB harddrive that will hopefully see me through a few more years of pretty hard use.
Since the burglary I have borrowed my partner T.'s old 15" MacBook Pro, which is a great computer too, but it's a bit heavy and bulky for me since I prefer the 13" ones. It has been wonderful to be able to use it in the meantime, however, but now I'm also happy to be able to go back to the size I'm used to. The next step is to reformat the laptop, install MacOS Lion, and transfer all my documents from the 15" to what I hope will become my new friend.