
What I also brought with me as we left was a book, Tjugo skånska vingårdar (Twenty Scanian Vineyards), written by sommelier, author and journalist Ann Jansson (photographs by Ulrika Vendelbo and layout by Nina Hammarberg). Having seen the signs to some of the vineyards as we were passing by, it is now possible to learn more about winemaking in Sweden and hopefully also visit some of the vineyards in due course. All in all it's a beautiful book (that has already been awarded several prizes) on a topic that really interests us. The book can be found on their website but also at Bokia.

Mixing and matching

After buying the pink pair of jeans I showed here, I had to think for a bit about what to wear with them. Matching a strong colour like that is not necessarily easy, but I decided to go for black, white and beige. Thinking about how to make the combinations work in job situations, I had to think about materials as well and, keeping that in mind, I think I'd move away from plain tops or sweaters, which I might wear on an everyday basis.
Planning to wear them with either a black or beige blazer, I found a black knitted sweater with a beige trim, a beige knitted sweater with tiny black details, a pink and blue patterned scarf, and, just for fun, a marbled hoop watch at Debenhams. The boots from Sixtyseven I already own (and love), but, for anyone interested, they can be found at Brandos. Somehow, I feel these are needed to "rough things up" slightly, since pink sometimes can become too "pretty," but the combinations would of course work well with a pair of heels as well.
Happy Easter

I've decided that I'm done working now (for today at least) and I will now focus on other, and hopefully more pleasurable, things. Happy Easter to you all!
Homemade pizza

We decided to make homemade pizzas yesterday and this was the result. It's not exactly food that has anything to do with Easter, but it tasted delicious. These are fairly basic with tomato, ham, salami, and mozzarella.

After having finished today's work, T. and I decided to drive to one of the local farmers to buy apples. We usually go there to buy potatoes and vegetables, but they also have some amazing apples called Elise that are wonderful to eat as they are, but also very nice in apple pies etc.
While driving back home I suddenly saw what I thought was four deers. T. borrowed my camera and, when we looked at the photos he took, we realiesed that there actually were ten of them. I've never seen so many deers in the wild at the same time before — and they were beautiful!
At home

Thanks to T., who has been amazing, most of the boxes (since we moved) have been emptied and there is not much more left to deal with in that regard. Most of the books have found their place on one of the innumerous shelves we have put up, the mountain of accumulated dirty clothes has been washed, and in general we probably know how to find our things more easily than we've done in a long time. We have been to the recycling station several times and, since it's not that far away, it has been quite easy to get rid of the superfluous stuff we've gathered over time.
Our previous home never became "home" for us, but somehow this house already is and it will feel great to spend our first Easter here in a few days' time. The bouquet of yellow tulips is a first glimpse while I continue to work my way through the stashes of work on my table.

Fashion has introduced a lot of bright colours for this season, which reminds me a lot of the 1980s. I've never been a huge fan of pink (I probably haven't worn it since the 1980s), but this season I just might add a drop or two to my palette.
The trousers in the above spread both come from H&M as does the patterned, sleeveless shirt. The Replay shoes can be found at Javari, the scarf at Trilogy stores, the pink shirt at Ellos, the Yves Saint Laurent buffalo leather bag at All Handbag Fashion, and the Eternity multi bracelet in rosegold/steel can be found at Edblad & Co.
A very early birthday present

T. has already begun to plant the seeds for this year's gardening endeavours. Strawberries and leak has just begun to show the first signs of life in their small pots and the potatoes might have more than "eyes" at this point in time.
T.'s birthday is not until this summer, but I decided to buy him two early birthday presents nonetheless, that are very much in line with the above theme. The Danish version of John Seymour's The New Complete Book of Self-Sufficiency has been at the back of his mind since it was mentioned by Frank Ladegaard Erichsen, a.k.a. Bonderøven, years ago. Today, T. also realised that The New Self-Sufficient Gardener might be another useful title, and, since he would need these books for his gardening plans this spring, I decided to buy them straight away. Let's hope they'll be as good an inspiration to him as they have been to Bonderøven.
Friendly(?) pheasants

We have seen at least one of these pheasants almost every day since we moved here and they are always walking around in our garden. It's actually two male pheasants and they seem to be bickering most of the time. Yesterday morning we could hear them just outside our window and the above was the sight we saw. The wildlife around our house is pretty amazing and we're enjoying the possibility to watch tremendously.
Stormy weather

Yesterday was windy but sunny and today it's, so far, only windy. Snow is supposed to begin to fall later today and it is said to continue for the next 48 hours. They have promised a total of approximately 30 cm/12 inches of snow and wind around 14-18 metres per second/31-40 mph, which sounds rather daunting.
The pink buds in the photo above give an indication of what it looked like yesterday and I'm simply hoping that they won't fare too badly in the upcoming days. I really long for spring!
UPDATE: Below is an example of what it looked like this morning, i.e. not as much snow as expected, but extremely windy (which doesn't show in the photo of course).


A colleague of mine celebrated her birthday last Thursday and I decided to give her David Design's Readers' Nest as a birthday present. I received one myself from my former colleagues when I had defended my PhD thesis and I've really enjoyed having it in my "reading corner." I thought this might be a good present this time as well and although it took some planning it seemed to be a hit. Apart from that, we're thinking about several presents at the moment. My mother-in-law's birthday is on Tuesday (and I'll definitely not disclose what she will receive), T.'s grandmother has not yet been celebrated either, and another relative will turn thirty in a few weeks' time. We'll see if we can come up with something nice for all of them.
An assortment of white things have caught my attention: Somewhat pricey, but fun, is Woofy which can help us hide the power cords for various appliances. The Spaghetti Measure might be both useful and nice looking, the soap dispenser from Lagerhaus we already have two of, but we seem to need one more, the Leaflower ring is beautiful as well as innovative, and the Flora skulptura 1 is yet another favourite in white from Paradisverkstan.
Seriously fun

Sara Granér has written and illustrated a very funny book, All I Want for Christmas Is Planekonomi, in which she first and foremost criticizes today's profit-oriented focus on usability in a wonderful manner. I can't help thinking that this is an extremely relevant book in an era when companies and right-wing politicians set the agenda. The fact that the author takes a stance in the area where we live makes it even more hilarious. Love it.
Book shelves and travels

It has been a rather full week, in which I've travelled quite a lot while we're, at the same time, are trying to make our house into a home. T. has done a lot of work while I was away. Yesterday, I could chip in as well and we emptied a number of boxes. Today has been dedicated to our bedroom/study, where T. and I have put up 19(!) book shelves (and it doesn't seem to be enough). We'll see how we'll deal with the remaining books.
Tomorrow will be a busy day work-wise as well and then I'll be travelling again on Tuesday and get back home again very late on Thursday. The pace will hopefully calm down a bit after that, at least in terms of travelling.
Windy and sunny

The weather is glorious today, but we've spent the morning inside watching Vasaloppet on television (congrats, Norway!), while having breakfast with homemade bread (buns made by my mother-in-law) that were so yummy. (Thank you so much!)
T. is busy sowing strawberry and leek seeds to be planted in the garden later this upcoming spring, the boys are in their rooms focusing on their screens, and I'm just relaxing, watching the sun and the early spring wildlife outside our windows.
The next phase

We're slowly adjusting to not moving anymore and today I've worked with things I haven't had time to finish in my regular job in the last few weeks. It's rather annoying to be behind, but that's the way things are at the moment. Priorities.
This morning was glorious, but then it turned both windy and cloudy and the weather conditions are okay, but not as nice as in the photos. The photo above shows our view to the east and the one below shows our view to the west. I enjoy them both.


Friday it is and this feels amazing. We happily handed in the keys to our old house today and were promised to get our deposit back as soon as possible. Let's hope the money will indeed materialise.
We have been extremely tired the last few weeks, partly because of moving, but also because of a very persistent flu, and more travelling than I would have wanted. We were extremely fortunate to have both T.'s sister and brother-in-law and his parents here to help us move. A huge thank you to all of you!
Our evenings, without the usual television channels and with all the above in mind, have been rather short, but last night we decided to start watching House of Cards on Netflix. We had heard a lot of good things about this 2013 series, and judging from the first four episodes we definitely agree. It's interesting, witty, fun in a rather weird way, and clearly worth watching. We just might watch a few more episodes this upcoming weekend.